January 10, 2022 Fidira


Fidira - FID Why it's necessary

Fidira is a platform that reduces the barrier to entry in the crypto space by enabling newbie blockchain enthusiasts to easily own their own NFTs and digital currencies. We have recognized the need for a platform that provides easy and safe access to cryptocurrencies, and we have moved swiftly to fill that gap. At Fidira, we employ an approach that brings NFTs right to your doorstep using our gift cards.  

Our company recently launched its initial DEX offering, meaning that users can now buy $FID, our native utility tokens. $FID is a standard ERC-20 token built on the polygon network and has a total supply of 100,000,000 units. These tokens are a vital part of Fidira and a crucial driver for several activities within our ecosystem. $FID is a high utility token with multiple use cases with several more to come as we begin to expand the platform. 

$FID provides motivation for users to invest time and resources towards community-building activities on the Fidira app. Here is a brief overview of why the $FID token is essential in building the Fidira community.


Enabling higher yields with staking

The Fidira token is required to implement our proof of stake model. Staking is an excellent way for our users to earn passive income by holding their tokens for a particular period. Holders of $FID are entitled to a percentage of the revenue that Fidira generates. The entire process runs on a smart contract, meaning that payments are instantly made as soon as the stipulated requirements have been fulfilled. Staking rewards may vary, ranging from NFTs to tokens from partner platforms.  This means that our native tokens will link our users to the larger blockchain space and further expand their portfolios. Newbies can start out by owning only $FID and stake these tokens to earn other cryptocurrencies. $FID will also play a vital role in driving all our other decentralized finance (DeFi) innovations going forward. 


Promoting user involvement via a decentralized governance model

Fidira is all about user involvement. From our novel gift card approach to our user interface and play-to-earn games, every aspect of the platform is designed with the community members in mind. Furthermore, to ensure that members of our ecosystem remain at the forefront of our development and expansion efforts, we have adopted a decentralized autonomous organizational model. This approach is one of the unique advantages of the blockchain economy, and Fidira fully intends to deliver a platform where each user transitions beyond mere community members to active participants in the decision-making process. 

The $FID tokens are more than necessary to implement this method. Holding our utility tokens gives users the eligibility to have a say in the company’s future direction. The way this works is simple. Community members can stake their tokens, allowing them to participate in a voting process to determine if a proposed feature will be implemented or not. 


Running the Fidira farming initiative

Fidira is building a wide range of DeFi products, and our $FID tokens will serve as the backbone for all our offerings going forward. Among these numerous initiatives, our farming program is one that has a massive potential to add value to our users. Token owners can put some of their $FID into a Quickswap liquidity pool (LP) through the farming initiative. After this, they will receive a LP token which they can farm on our platform. LPs are a crucial part of the DeFi architecture, providing liquidity for decentralized exchanges to run.  At the moment, we have launched the Fidira/Chain guardians puzzle game. This game includes a puzzle pool where users can farm their LP tokens and earn extra returns.


Driving the Fidira gift card model

The Fidira gift cards allow us to take advantage of our vast retail distribution network to improve access to NFTs and cryptocurrencies. We are looking at creating both physical and digital gift cards, and the $FID tokens are a vital part of this. At the moment, our digital gift cards are currently available for purchase on our website. Users of our DAO application suite will be able to use our native tokens to buy digital versions of our gift cards which will act as proof of ownership claim for their NFTs. As time progresses, we will also launch Android and iOS apps where users can purchase these gift cards with their $FID tokens. 



Fidira is not just a random NFT project. Instead, it is a community-focused initiative to increase participation, promote ease of access, and build the global blockchain landscape. Our tokens are a major driver in our quest to achieve these targets. $FID’s utility means that it provides value for both the company and its users via initiatives such as staking and farming. Also, complete beginners can quickly get started with crypto through its various use cases, as listed in the earlier parts of this article.  Using Fidira, anyone can start building their personal crypto portfolio, earn higher profits, and even participate in community building. 



The DeFi space is constantly experiencing the ripple effects of innovation. Therefore, we consider it essential to remain on top of the latest news within the industry and adopt our offerings to match recent developments.

We would love to keep you updated on all our current and future projects. Here’s how you can stay in touch with us:


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